Friday, February 28, 2014

Putting together a basic demo in Unity.
Doing tests to figure out the best way to set up a sprite sheet.
Here is a non uniform frame setup.

Seems like it will work ok.
It's a bit annoying that the Sprite Editor window doesn't have grid snapping when creating frames with the mouse.... but whatevs!
Here is some rough sketches I've doe in the past/recently, but before deciding to actually pursue making a game from them.
Will re post in a more organized manner.
Just logging what I have at this point.

I am working on a handful of different gameplay ideas.
Not sure which one I find the most interesting.
Given the time I want to make a simple demo of each and then go from there.
So here they are:

Roguelike fighterBullet Hell vs shooter/fighterSwarm/Minion vs Beat em UpTraditional Fighting game
Players get "10" fighters4 buttons: Sword, Shield, Bullet, Jump/DashCreate minions to beat up the oppenent1 on 1 and tag battle
Play one at a time: when one dies they next jumps in IMMEDIATELYrock paper scissors type gameplay: Bullet beats sword, sword beats shield, shield beats bullet. of course there can be exceptionsFight off evil minions: crowd based attacks and combosfocus on combos and tag combos
ultra violent: "a fatality every 6 seconds"Free Flying: think bangaioSorta like a moba but coolercontrols more like tekken than street fighter
Kill all "10" of the oppenents characters to winOpen space with minimal obstaclesAttack the other players minion generator and destroy it to winbasic sequences, special moves, tags etc
Each new character is stronger/more complicated than the last: first uses only 2 buttons, next uses 3, next uses 4 etcSimple controls and actions, TONS of bullets and dodging, boosting in to attack etc.
Some characters are duplicated, except for the last character, who is extremely powerful and uniqueRange changes the how the game plays and the character art, up close you can do combos even with bullets, but far "ship mode" engages, and its more like a traditional bullet hell. weird idea but sounds cool: not really neccessary but cool.

I am trying to simplify each idea down to it's core, and make them more distinct from one another.
Will add sketches and stuff that will help explain each one soon.
Currently these are themeless ideas, and there are many directions that I could take the art design -----> altho I already have some designs drawn.
All of these ideas will most certainly be 2D, pixel art perhaps.
With maybe a bit of simple 3D thrown in.

Also trying to figure out what I want to program the game in.
I have a little over 2 years experience using Unity, and I like it a lot.
Also been reading the Game Maker helpfile, but I've never really used it to make anything.
As such I'm leaning more towards Unity right now.

I've always loved fighting games.
Played a lot of em.
Never made one.
Now is the time.
Or I will die in regret of not doing so.
So here's my devblog for creating a fighting game.
Should be a big mess of shit.